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Jangidze, L. და Tavkhelidze, A. და Blagidze, Y. და Taliashvili, Z. (2012) Electroplating of Conformal Electrodes for Vacuum Nanogap Tunnel Junction. J. Electrochem. Soc., 159 (7). D413-D417.
Kuzmin, L. S. და Pashkin, Yu. A. და Tavkhelidze, A. და Ahlers, F. -J. და Weimann, T. და Quenter, D. და Niemeyer, J. (1996) An all‐chromium single electron transistor: A possible new element of single electronics. Appl. Phys. Lett., 68. р. 2902.
Kuzmin, L. S. და Pashkin, Yu. A. და Tavkhelidze, A. N. და Ahlers, F. -J. და Weimann, T. და Quenter, D. და Niemeyer, J. (1996) An all‐chromium single electron transistor: A possible new element of single electronics. Appl. Phys. Lett., 68. р. 2902.
Kuzmin, L. S. და Pashkin, Yu. A. და Tavkhelidze, A. N. და Ahlers, F. -J. და Weimann, T. და Quenter, D. და Niemeyer, J. (1996) An all‐chromium single electron transistor: A possible new element of single electronics. Appl. Phys. Lett., 68. р. 2902.
Taliashvili, Z. და Tavkhelidze, A. და Jangidze, L. და Blagidze, Y. (2013) Vacuum nanogap formation in multilayer structures by an adhesion-controlled process. Thin Solid Films, 542. С. 399-403.
Tavkhelidze, A. (2014) Geometry-induced electron doping in periodic semiconductor nanostructures. Physica E, 60. С. 4-10.
Tavkhelidze, A. (2009) Large enhancement of the thermoelectric figure of merit in a ridged quantum well. Nanotechnology, 20 (40). р. 405401.
Tavkhelidze, A. (2010) Nanostructured electrodes for thermionic and thermotunnel devices. J. Appl. Phys., 108 (4). 044313.
Tavkhelidze, A. და Bibilashvili, A. და Jangidze, L. და Billenberg , B. და Rampfer, G. F. (2007) Quantum interference depression in thin metal films with nanostructured surfaces. Nanotechnology Perceptions, 4. С. 25-28.
Tavkhelidze, A. და Mygind, J. (1998) Low-frequency noise in single electron tunneling transistor. J. Appl. Phys. , 83. р. 310.
Tavkhelidze, A. და Svanidze, V. (2008) Quantum state depression in a semiconductor quantum well. Int. J. Nanosci. , 7 (6). р. 333.
Tavkhelidze, A. და Svanidze, V. და Noselidze, I. (2007) Fermi gas energetics in low-dimensional metals of special geometry. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 25. р. 1270.
Tavkhelidze, A. და Svanidze, V. და Tsakadze, L. (2008) Thermotunnel refrigerator with vacuum/insulator tunnel barrier: A theoretical analysis. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 26 (5). С. 5-7.
Tavkhelidze, A. N. და Bibilashvili, A. და Jangidze, L. და Billenberg , B. და Rampfer, G. F. (2007) Quantum interference depression in thin metal films with nanostructured surfaces. Nanotechnology Perceptions, 4. С. 25-28.
ელაშვილი, მიხეილ და ვაჩეიშვილი, ნიკოლოზ და ბასილაია, გიორგი და ჩხაიძე, დავითი და კირკიტაძე, გიორგი და ადიკაშვილი, ლუკა (2015) ვარძიის კომპლექსური მონიტორინგი. ძველი ხელოვნება დღეს, 6. С. 28-44.
Tavkhelidze, A. და Svanidze, V. და Noselidze, I. (2010) Quantum State Depression in a Quantum Well of Special Geometry. In: New Developments in Materials Science. Nova Publishers, р. 1. ISBN 978-1-61668-907-0
Cox, I. და Tavkhelidze, A. (2004) Power Chips for Efficient Energy Conversion. In: AIP Conf. Proc. v. 699, p. 1238.
Tavkhelidze, A. (2013) Influence of Nanostructure Geometry on Electronic Properties. In: 13th International Symposium on Advanced Materials (ISAM-2013). (გაგზავნილია გამოსაქვეყნებლად)
Tavkhelidze, A. (2014) Influence of Nanostructure Geometry on Electronic Properties. In: 6th Georgian-German School and Workshop in Basic Science GGSWBS'14.
Tavkhelidze, A. (2010) Nanostructured electrodes for thermo-tunnel and thermionic devices. In: 23rd International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference (IVNC), Palo Alto, CA, USA, 26-30 July.
Tavkhelidze, A. (2012) Quantum Size Effects in Nanostructures. In: Georgian - German School and Workshop in Basic Science CGSWHP '12. (არ გამოქვეყნებულა)
Tavkhelidze, A. (2009) Thermoelectric properties of nanograting layers. In: Theransport at Nanoscale, 529th Wilhelm and Else Heraueus Seminar. (არ გამოქვეყნებულა)
Tavkhelidze, A. და Skhiladze, G. და Bibilashvili, A. და Tsakadze, L. და Jangidze, L. და Taliashvili, Z. და Cox, I. და Berishvili, Z. (2002) Electron Tunneling Through Large Area Vacuum Gap -- Preliminary Results. In: Thermoelectrics, 2002. Proceedings ICT '02. Twenty-First International Conference on.
Tavkhelidze, A. და Svanidze, V. (2008) Quantum state depression in quantum well devices. In: The 21 International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference IVNC2008, Wroclaw, 13-17 July, Poland.
Tavkhelidze, A. და Taliashvili, Z. და Bibilashvili, A. და Tsakadze, L. და Jangidze, L. და Skhiladze, G. და Cox, I და Magdych, J. (2004) Thermal Management Solutions Using Electron Tunneling Through a Nano‐Scale Vacuum Gap. In: AIP Conf. Proc. Volume 699.
ვარადაშვილი, გიორგი (2011) საბოლოო მომხმარებელზე ორიენტირებული სკრიპტული ენის ერთი რეალიზაციის შესახებ. სამაგისტრო thesis, ილიას სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი.
Tavkhelidze A., Edelson J., Cox I., Harbron S (2011) Artificial band gap. US patent 7,935,954.
Tavkhelidze A., Edelson J. S., Cox I. W., Harbron S. (2004) Artificial band gap. US patent 6,680,214.
Harbron S., Hammer M., Jangidze L., Tavkhelidze A. (2010) Catalysts. US patent 7,651,875.
Taliashvili Z., Tavkhelidze A., Geller R., Cox I. W., Tsakadze L. (2006) Electrode sandwich separation. US patent 7,140,102.
Vardosanidze L., Taliashvili Z., Tavkhelidze A., Cox R. T. (2007) Fabrication of close-spaced MEMS devices by method of precise adhesion regulation. US patent 7,208,021.
Tavkhelidze A., Harbron S. (2007) Influence of surface geometry on metal properties. US patent 7,220,984.
Tavkhelidze A., Harbron S. (2006) Influence of surface geometry on metal properties. US patent 7,074,498.
Tavkhelidze A, Tsakadze L, Taliashvili Z, Jangidze L., Cox I (2013) Liquid metal contact as possible element for thermotunneling. US patent 8,575,597.
Tavkhelidze A., (2010) Method for fabrication of separators for electrode pairs in diodes. US patent 7,642,467.
Tavkhelidze A. (2003) Method for increasing emission through a potential barrier. US patent 6,531,703.
Tavkhelidze A. (2001) Method for increasing of tunneling through a potential barrier. US patent 6,281,514.
Tavkhelidze A., Koptonashvili L., Berishvili Z., Skhiladze G. (2004) Method for making a diode device. US patent 6,774,003.
Tavkhelidze A., Koptonashvili L., Berishvili Z., Skhiladze G. (2002) Method for making a diode device. US patent 6,417,060.
Tavkhelidze A., Tsakadze L., Skhiladze G., Cox I. W. (2005) Method for making electrode pairs. US patent 6,869,855.
Tavkhelidze A., Bibilashvili A, Cox R. T. (2012) Method for modification of built in potential of diodes. US patent 8,330,192.
A. Tavkhelidze (2015) Method of Fabrication of Conformal Electrodes for Thermionic and Thermotunnel Energy Converters. GE P 2015 6237 B.
Tavkhelidze A., Svanidze V., Larsson M. (2008) Method of increasing efficiency of thermotunnel devices. US patent 7,351,996.
Tavkhelidze A., Harbron S. (2010) Process for making electrode pairs. US patent 7,658,772.
Bibilashvili A., Tavkhelidze A. (2009) Quantum interference device. US patent 7,566,897.
Tavkhelidze A., Bibilashvili A., Taliashvili Z. (2012) Selective light absorbing semiconductor surface. US patent 8,227,885.
Tavkhelidze A, Vepkvadze M, (2013) Surface pairs. US patent 8,574,663.
Tavkhelidze A., Taliashvili Z. (2007) Thermionic vacuum diode device with adjustable electrodes. US patent 7,253,549.
Tavkhelidze A., Taliashvili Z. (2007) Thermionic vacuum diode device with adjustable electrodes. US patent 7,169,006.
Tavkhelidze A., Edelson J. S. (2004) Thermionic vacuum diode device with adjustable electrodes. US patent 6,720,704.
Martinovsky A., Tavkhelidze A., Cox I. (2005) Thermotunnel converter with spacers between the electrodes. US patent 6,876,123.
Tavkhelidze A (2011) Transistor on the basis of new quantum interference effect. US patent 7,893,422.
Tavkhelidze A., Bibilashvili A., Samadashvili Z. (2001) Wafer having smooth surface. US patent 6,281,139.
Tavkhelidze A., Bibilashvili A, Cox R. T. (2012) Method for modification of built in potential of diodes. US 8,330,192.