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ამ დონეზე ობიექტების რაოდენობა: 65.


Akhalkatsi, Maia (2015) Forest Habitat Restoration in Georgia, Caucasus Ecoregion. Mtsignobari, Tbilisi. ISBN 978-9941-450-68-6

Akhalkatsi, Maia (2014) Traditional viticulture and grapevine diversity in Georgia. In: Caucasus. Plant Diversity between the Black and Caspian Seas. BGBM Press, Berlin-Dahlem, С. 98-103. ISBN 978-3-921800-90-4

Akhalkatsi, Maia და Arabuli, Giorgi და Lorenz, Richard (2014) Orchids as indicator species of forest disturbances on limestone quarry in Georgia (South Caucasus). Journal Europäischer Orchideen, 46 (1). С. 123-160. ISSN 0945 -7909

Akhalkatsi, Maia და Baumann, Helmut და Lorenz, Richard და Mosulishvili, Marine და Ruedi, Peter (2005) Beiträge zur Kenntnis kaukasischer Orchideen. Journal Europäischer Orchideen, 37 (4). С. 889-914. ISSN 0945 -7909

Akhalkatsi, Maia და Ekhvaia, Jana და Asanidze, Zezva (2012) Diversity and Genetic Erosion of Ancient Crops and Wild Relatives of Agricultural Cultivars for Food: Implications for Nature Conservation in Georgia (Caucasus). In: Perspectives on Nature Conservation - Patterns, Pressures and Prospects. InTech, Croatia, С. 52-91. ISBN 978-953-51-0033-1

Akhalkatsi, Maia და Ekhvaia, Jana და Mosulishvili, Marine (2010) Reasons and Processes Leading to the Erosion of Crop Genetic Diversity in Mountainous Regions of Georgia. Mountain Research and Development, 30 (3). С. 304-310. ISSN 1994-7151

Akhalkatsi, Maia და Ekhvaia, Jana და Mosulishvili, Marine და Nakhutsrishvili, George და Abdaladze, Otar და Batsatsashvili, Ketevan (2010) Reasons and Processes Leading to the Erosion of Crop Genetic Diversity in Mountainous Regions of Georgia. Mountain Research and Development, 30 (3). С. 304-310. ISSN 0276-4741

Akhalkatsi, Maia და Ekhvaia, Jana და Mosulishvili, Marine და Nakhutsrishvili, Gia და Abdaladze, Otar და Batsatsashvili, Ketevan (2010) Erosion of crop genetic diversity in mountainous regions of Georgia. In: proceeding of: the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 10), 18-29 October 2010, Nagoya, Japan.

Akhalkatsi, Maia და Fritsch, Reinhard M. და Maisaia, Inesa და Nakhutsrishvili, Gia და Pistrick, Klaus (2008) Habitats of Allium Species in Georgia. In: First Kazbegi workshop on „Botany, taxonomy and phytochemistry of wild Allium L. species of the Caucasus and Central Asia“, June 4 – 8, 2007, Kazbegi, Georgia.

Akhalkatsi, Maia და Kimeridze, Mariam (2012) Implementation of the classification system of forest habitats in accordance with the 'Natura2000' standards in the Georgian Legislation. In: 12th International Symposium on Legal Aspects of European Forest Sustainable Development , 31 May – 2 June 2010, Nikosia, Cyprus.

Akhalkatsi, Maia და Kimeridze, Mariam და Künkele, Siegfried და Lorenz, Richard და Mosulishvili, Marine (2003) Diversity and conservation of Georgian orchids. პროექტის ანგარიში. Calamus, CGS Ltd., Tbilisi, Georgia.

Akhalkatsi, Maia და Kimeridze, Mariam და Künkele, Siegfried და Lorenz, Richard და Mosulishvili, Marine (2001) Orchids of Georgia. Journal Europäischer Orchideen, 33 (1). С. 457-458. ISSN 0945 -7909

Akhalkatsi, Maia და Kimeridze, Mariam და Künkele, Siegfried და Lorenz, Richard და Mosulishvili, Marine (2001) Wild Orchids of Georgia. CENN Caucasus Environmental NGO, Tbilisi, Georgia.

Akhalkatsi, Maia და Kimeridze, Mariam და Maisaia, Inesa და Mosulishvili, Marine (2005) Flowless profits. CENN Caucasus Environmental NGO, Tbilisi, Georgia.

ELKANA (2008) Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Rare Medicinal Plants in Samtskhe-Javakheti. http://www.elkana.org.ge/files/samk_geo.pdf.

Akhalkatsi, Maia და Lorenz, Richard და Machutadze, Izolda და Mosulishvili, Marine (2004) Spiranthes amoena – a new species for flora of Georgia. Journal Europäischer Orchideen, 36 (3). С. 745-754. ISSN 0945 -7909

Akhalkatsi, Maia და Lorenz, Richard და Mosulishvili, Marine (2007) Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Gattung Dactylorhiza in Georgien (Kaukasus). Ein Beitrag zum OPTIMA-Projekt "Kartierung der mediterranen Orchideen". Jahresberichte des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Wuppertal, 60 (1). С. 13-100. ISSN 0547-9789

Akhalkatsi, Maia და Lorenz, Richard და Mosulishvili, Marine (2006) Orchids and their habitats in Georgia. Journal Europäischer Orchideen, 38 (2). С. 286-287. ISSN 0945 -7909

Akhalkatsi, Maia და Lösch, Rainer (2001) Changes in Water Relations, Solute Leakage and Growth Characters During Seed Germination and Seedling Development in Trigonella coerulea (Fabaceae). Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality, 75 (3/4). С. 144-151. ISSN 1613-9216

Akhalkatsi, Maia და Mosulishvili, Marine (2004) Wetland orchid Spiranthes amoena in Georgia. CENN Caucasus Environmental NGO, Tbilisi, Georgia.

Akhalkatsi, Maia და Mosulishvili, Marine და Kimeridze, Mariam (2004) Iris family in Georgia. CENN Caucasus Environmental NGO, Tbilisi, Georgia.

GIZ (2012) Habitats of Georgia. none.

Arntzen, J W და Papenfuss, Theodore და Kuzmin, Sergius და Tarkhnishvili, David და Ishchenko, Vladimir და Tuniyev, Boris და Sparreboom, Max და Rastegar-Pouyani, Nasrullah და Ugurtas, Ismail და Anderson, Steven და Babik, Wiesiek და Miaud, Claude და Crnobrnja Isailovic, Jelka (2009) Triturus karelinii. IUCN, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.


Barjadze, Shalva და Murvanidze, Maka და Arabuli, Tea და Mumladze, Levan და Pkhakadze, Vera და Djanashvili, Revaz და Salakaia, Meri (2015) Annotated List of invertebrates of the Georgian Karst Caves. Georgian Academic Books, Tbilisi. ISBN ISBN 978- 9941-9371-2-5

Batsatsashvili, Ketevan (2011) Batsatsashvili, K. Identification of important plant areas in Georgia (the Caucasus biodiversity hotspot). In: Th. Borsch, P. Giere, J. Hoffmann, R. Jahn, C. Löhne, B. Nordt, M. Ohl (eds.):Programme and Abstracts of BioSystematics Berlin 2011 - 7th International Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology (ICSEB VII), 12th Annual Meeting of the Society of Biological Systematics (Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik, GfBS), 20th International Symposium “Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology” of the German Botanical Society (DBG) 21–27 February, 2011. Downloadable from: http://www.biosyst-berlin-2011.de/Biosystematics_Abstracts.pdf. In: BioSystematics Berlin 2011. (არ გამოქვეყნებულა)


Gabelashvili, Sophio და Mumladze, Levan და Bikashvili, Ani და Sroka, Pavel და Godunko, Roman და Japoshvili, Bella (2018) The first annotated checklist of mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Insecta) of Georgia with new distribution data and a new record for the country. Turkish Journal of Zoology.

Garstecki, Tobias (2017) Feasibility assessment for a World Heritage nomination of the Colchic Forests and Wetlands under the natural criteria. Michael Succow Foundation for the Protection of Nature, Greifswald.

Gottfried, Michael და Pauli, Harald და Futschik, Andreas და Akhalkatsi, Maia და Barančok, Peter და Alonso, José Luis Benito და Coldea, Gheorghe (2012) Continent-wide response of mountain vegetation to climate change. Nature Climate Change, 2 (2). С. 111-115. ISSN 1758-6798

Grego, Jozef და Hofman, Sebastian და Mumladze, Levan და Falniowski, Andrzej (2017) AGRAFIA SZAROWSKA ET FALNIOWSKI, 2011 (CAENOGASTROPODA: HYDROBIIDAE) IN THE CAUCASUS. Folia Malacologica, 25 (4). С. 237-247.

Grego, Jozef და Mumladze, Levan (2019) Notes on vulnerability of the microendemic clausiliid species Acrotoma enguriensis from the southwestern Caucasus. TENTACLE, 27. С. 27-29.


Hachtel, Monika და Weddeling, Klaus და Schmidt, Peter და Sander, Ulrich და Tarkhnishvili, David და Böhme, Wolfgang (2006) Dynamik und Struktur von Amphibienpopulationen in der Zivilisationslandschaft. NaBiV Heft 30, 30. С. 1-420. ISSN ISBN: 978-3-7843-3930-6


Japoshvili, G და Mumladze, Levan (2019) New species and new records of Aphelinus Dalman (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Aphelinidae) from Lagodekhi Reserve (Sakartvelo-Georgia), with diversity and distribution along an elevational gradient. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 43 (2). С. 192-202.


Kaya, Ugur და Tuniyev, Boris და Ananjeva, Natalia და Orlov, Nikolai და Papenfuss, Theodore და Kuzmin, Sergius და Tarkhnishvili, David და Tuniyev, Sako და Sparreboom, Max და Ugurtas, Ismail და Anderson, Steven (2009) Mertensiella caucasica. IUCN, http://www.iucnredlist.org/.

Khorozian, Igor და Malkhsayn, Alexander და Murtskhvaladze, Marine (2010) The striped hyaena Hyaena hyaena (Hyaenidae, Carnivora) rediscovered in Armenia. Folia Zoologica, 60 (3). С. 253-262.

Kuljanishvili, Tatia და Japoshvili, Bella და Mumladze, Levan და Kalous, Lukáš (2018) Preliminary information about the occurrence of Prussian carp Carassius gibelio (Bloch 1782) in mountainous Lake Devdoraki (Caucasus, Georgia). In: 9th workshop on biodiversity, 2018 January, Jevany.

Kuljanishvili, Tatia და Mumladze, Levan და Kalous, Lukáš და Japoshvili, Bella (2018) Fish species composition, sex ratio and growth parameters in Saghamo Lake (Southern Georgia). Biologia.


Lorenz, Richard და Akhalkatsi, Maia და Baumann, H. (2012) Platanthera kuenkelei sl auf Sardinien und in Georgien, eine für Europa neue Art–ein Beitrag zu ihrer Taxonomie. Journal Europäischer Orchideen, 44 (1). С. 3-62. ISSN 0945 -7909


Mumladze, Levan და Asanidze, Z და Walther, F და Hausdorf, B (2017) Beyond elevation: Testing the climatic variability hypothesis vs. Rapoport's rule in vascular plant and snail species in the Caucasus. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 121. С. 753-763.

Mumladze, Levan და Bikashvili, Ani და Japoshvili, Bella და Anistratenko, Vitaliy V (2019) New alien species Mytilopsis leucophaeata and Corbicula fluminalis (Mollusca, Bivalvia) recorded in Georgia and notes on other non-indigenous molluscs invaded the South Caucasus. Vestnik Zoologii, 53 (3). С. 187-194.

Mumladze, Levan და Bikashvili, Ani და Kachlishvili, Nino და Grego, Jozef და Japoshvili, Bella და Schniebs, Katrin და Vinarski, Maxim და Falniowski, Andrzej და Palatov, Dmitry (2019) Progress towards research and conservation of Georgian freshwater molluscs. TENTACLE, 27. С. 7-10.

Mumladze, Levan და Cameron, RAD და Pokryszko, BM (2014) Endemic land molluscs in Georgia (Caucasus): how well are they protected by existing reserves and national parks? Journal of molluscan studies, 80 (995). С. 67-73.

Murtskhvaladze, Marine და Gurielidze, Zurab და Kopaliani, Natia და Tarkhnishvili, David (2012) Gene introgression between Gazella subgutturosa and G. marica: limitations of maternal inheritance analysis for species identification with conservation purposes. Acta Theriologica, 57 (4). С. 383-386. ISSN 2190-3743

Murvanidze, Maka და Mumladze, Levan და Todria, Nino და Salakaia, Meri (2019) Effect of ploughing and pesticide application on oribatid mite communities. International Journal of Acarology, 45 (4). С. 181-188.


Nakhutsrishvili, George და Gagnidze, Revaz და Shetekauri, Shamil და Manvelidze, Zurab და Memiadze, Nino და Kharazishvili, David და Batsatsashvili, Ketevan (2014) Georgia. In: Red List of Endemic Plants of the Caucasus: Armenia, Azerbaidjan, Georgia, Iran, Russia, and Turkey. Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden (MSB) 125. . Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Saint Louis. ISBN 9780915279821

Nakhutsrishvili, George და Zazanashvili, Nugzar და Batsatsashvili, Ketevan (2011) Regional profile: Colchic and Hyrcanic temperate rainforests of the Western Eurasian Caucasus. In: Temperate and Boreal Rainfo rests of the World. Island Press, С. 250-257. ISBN 13: 978-1-59726-676-5

Nakhutsrishvili, Gia და Akhalkatsi, Maia და Abdaladze, Otar (2009) Main Threats to Mountain Biodiversity in Georgia. Mountain Forum Bulletin, 9 (2). С. 18-19. ISSN 1815-2139

Nassirkhani, Mahrad და Mumladze, Levan (2019) Neobisium (Neobisium) moreoticum (Pseudoscorpiones: Neobisiidae) from Georgia. Arachnologische Mitteilungen, 57 (1). С. 37-42.

Nassirkhani, Mahrad და Mumladze, Levan (2019) Notes on Roncus Microphthalmus (Daday, 1889) (Pseudoscorpiones: Neobisiidae), a polumorphic species, with a key to the Roncus species from the Middle East and the Caucasus region. Revista Iberica de Aracnologia, 34. С. 97-101.

Nassirkhani, Mahrad და Mumladze, Levan (2019) Redescription of Roncus crassipalpus Rafalski, 1949 (Pseudoscorpiones: Neobisiidae) from western Georgia. Arachnology, 18 (2). С. 133-136.

Nassirkhani, Mahrad და Zaragoza, Juan A და Mumladze, Levan (2019) A new pseudoscorpion genus from western Georgia (Pseudoscorpiones: Neobisiidae: Cornuroncus n. gen.), with a key to all Neobisiinae genera. Zootaxa, 4624. С. 289-295.

Neiber, MT და Bikashvili, Ani და Banashvili, Giorgi და Shubashishvili, Anano და Japoshvili, Bella და Walther, F და Mumladze, Levan (2021) Continental molluscs collected during the second Georgian-German BioBlitz 2019 in Stepantsminda, Georgia. Mitteilungen der deutschen malakozoologischen Gesellschaft, 104. С. 23-36.


Otte, Annette და Akhalkatsi, Maia და Nakhutsrishvili, Gia (2011) Phytodiversität in Georgien: Die Bedeutung von Standort und Landnutzung im Großen und Kleinen Kaukasus. Spiegel der Forschung, 28 (2). С. 24-31. ISSN 0176-3008


Pistrick, Klaus და Akhalkatsi, Maia და Girgvliani, Tamar და Shanshiashvili, Tamaz (2010) Sammlung von Saat- und Pflanzgut pflanzengenetischer Ressourcen in Svanetien und Lečchumi (Georgien, Kaukasus). Berichte der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften, 5 (1). С. 123-127. ISSN 0934-3490

Pistrick, Klaus და Akhalkatsi, Maia და Nakhutsrishvili, Gia (2008) Collecting Wild Allium Species in Georgia. In: First Kazbegi workshop on „Botany, taxonomy and phytochemistry of wild Allium L. species of the Caucasus and Central Asia“, June 4 – 8, 2007, Kazbegi, Georgia.

Pokryszko, Beata M და Cameron, Robert A D და Mumladze, Levan და Tarkhnishvili, David (2011) Forest snail faunas from Georgian Transcaucasia : patterns of diversity in a Pleistocene refugium. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 102 (2). С. 239-250.

Pokryzsko, Beata და Cameron, RAD და Mumladze, Levan და Tarkhnishvili, David (2011) Forest snail faunas from Georgian Transcaucasia: patterns of diversity in a Pleistocene refugium. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 102 (2). С. 239-250. ISSN 1095-8312


Sayim, Ferah და Baskale, Eyup და Tarkhnishvili, David და Kaya, Ugur (2009) Some water chemistry parameters of breeding habitats of the Caucasian salamander, Mertensiella caucasica in the Western Lesser Caucasus. Comptes Rendus Biologies, 332 (5). С. 464-469. ISSN ISSN: 1631-0691, ESSN: 1768-3238

Schatz, George E. და Shulkina, Tatyana და Nakhutsrishvili, George და Batsatsashvili, Ketevan და Tamanyan, Kamilla და Ali-zade, Valida და Kikodze, David და Geltman, Dmitry და Ekim, Tuna (2009) Development of Plant Red List Assessments for the Caucasus Biodiversity Hotspot. In: Status and Protection of Globally Threatened Species in the Caucasus. CEPF, WWF. Contour Ltd., С. 188-192. ISBN 978-9941-0-2203-6

Shapovalov, Maksim I და Saprykin, Maksim A და Japoshvili, Bella და Mumladze, Levan (2019) Materials to the fauna of aquatic bugs of the infraorder Nepomorpha (Heteroptera) of the Javakheti Highland, Georgia. Russian Entomological Journal, 28 (2). С. 120-124.


Tarkhnishvili, David (2014) Historical Biogeography of the Caucasus. Wildlife Protection, Destruction and Extinction, N/A (N/A). NOVA science publishers, New York. ISBN 978-1-63321-910-6

Tarkhnishvili, David და Chaladze, Giorgi (2013) Georgian biodiversity database. Ilia State University, Tbilisi, Georgia.

Tarkhnishvili, David და Gavashelishvili, Alexander და Ginosyan, Otari და Ginosyan, Norik და Darchiashvili, Giorgi და Janashia, Nana და Javakhishvili, Zurab და Kandaurov, Andrei და Markosyan, M და Macharashvili, Irakli (1999) LAND USE AND LANDSCAPE CONSERVATION IN SOUTHERN GEORGIA. პროექტის ანგარიში. unpublished, Research Support Scheme reports. (არ გამოქვეყნებულა)

Tarkhnishvili, David და Kandaurov, Andrei და Bukhnikashvili, Alexander (2002) Declines of amphibians and reptiles in Georgia during the 20th century: virtual vs. actual problems. Zeitschrift fur Feldherpetologie, 9. С. 89-107. ISSN 0946-7998

Tarkhnishvili, David და Serbinova, Irina და Gavashelishvili, Alexander (2009) Modelling the range of Syrian spadefoot toad (Pelobates syriacus) with combination of GIS-based approaches. Amphibia-Reptilia, 30 (3). С. 401-412. ISSN 1568-5381


Weddeling, Klaus და Hachtel, Monika და Sander, Ulrich და Tarkhnishvili, David (2004) Bias in estimation of newt population size: a field study at five ponds using drift fences, pitfalls and funnel traps. The Herpetological Journal, 14. С. 1-7. ISSN 0268-0130

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