ობიექტები, სადაც ავტორები არიან "Kapanadze, Marika"

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ობიექტების რაოდენობა: 16.

Kapanadze, Marika და Bolte, Claus და Schulte, Theresa და Slovinsky, Ekaterine (2015) Stakeholders’ Views on Science Education - Curricular Delphi Study in Georgia. American Journal of Educational Research, 3 (7). С. 897-906.

Kapanadze, Marika და Bolte, Claus და Schneider , Vincent და Slovinsky, Ekaterine (2015) ENHANCING SCIENCE TEACHERS’ CONTINUOUS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE FIELD OF INQUIRY BASED SCIENCE EDUCATION. Journal of Baltic Science Education. (პროცესშია)

Kapanadze, Marika და Slovinsky, Ekaterine (2015) Inquiry Based Science Education in Georgia. In: IOSTE Eurasia Regional Symposium & Brokerage Event Horizon 2020-Science with and for Society, 24-26 April, 2015, Istanbul, Turkey.

Kapanadze, Marika და Eilks, Ingo (2014) Supporting Reform in Science Education in Central and Eastern Europe - Reflections and Perspectives from the Project TEMPUS-SALiS. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 10 (1). С. 47-58.

Kapanadze, Marika და Slovinsky, Ekaterine (2014) Inquiry-based Science Education within the Project PROFILES in Georgia. In: PROFILES 2nd International Conference, August, 2014, Berlin, Germany.

Kapanadze, Marika და Ekaterine , Slovinsky (2014) Stakeholders’ Views on Science Education in Georgia – Curricular Delphi Study. Science Teachers’ Conti nuous Professional Development in Europe.

Kapanadze, Marika და Slovinsky, Ekaterine (2014) Teachers’ Ownership towards Developing New PROFILES Modules. In: PROFILES 2nd International Conference, August, 2014, Berlin, Germany.

Schneider, Vincent და Kapanadze, Marika და Bolte, Claus და Slovinsky, Ekaterine (2013) Project PROFILES and Development of In-service Teachers’ “Stages of Concerns” Regarding IBSE in the Context of the Implementation of PROFILES Modules in Georgia. In: The International Conference on Physics Education, August 5-9, Prague, Czech Republic.

Kapanadze, Marika და Markic, Silvjia (2013) A Broad View on Georgian Science Teachers´ and Science Student Teachers` Beliefs about Teaching and Learning. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 9 (2). С. 143-154. ISSN 1305-8223

Kapanadze, Marika და Janashia, Simon და Eilks, Ingo (2012) Science teacher education by the cross regional TEMPUS-project SALiS. In: Heterogeneity and Cultural Diversity in Science Education and Science Education Research. Aachen: Shaker .

Eilks , Ingo და Kapanadze, Marika და Childs, Peter (2012) Student Active Learning in Science (SALiS). Chemistry in Action (97).

Eilks, Ingo და Kapanadze, Marika (2012) Student Active Learning in Science (SALiS) - The theoretical and organisational framework of a TEMPUS IV project. Chimica nella Scuola, 34 (3). С. 168-169.

Kapanadze, Marika (2012) The impact of the TEMPUS-project SALIS from the perspective of Georgia. Chemistry in Action (#97). ISSN 0332-2637

Kapanadze, Marika და Janashia, Simon და Makashvili , Malkhaz და Eilks, Ingo და Stucky, Marc და Markic, Silvjia (2011) Promoting student-active and inquiry-based science learning by the project SALiS. In: ESERA 9th International Conference "Science Learning and Citizenship", 5-9 SEptember, 2011, France, Lyon.

Kapanadze, Marika და Eilks, Ingo და Janashia, Simon და Makashvili, Malkhaz და Markic , Silvija და Stucky, Marc (2011) Schüleraktives und Inquiry-orientiertes Lehren und Lernen fördern im TEMPUS-Projekt SALiS. In: GDCP Tagung, 2011, Oldenburg, Germany.

Kapanadze, Marika და Janashia, Simon და Eilks, Ingo (2010) From science education in the soviet time, via national reform initiatives, towards an international network to support inquiry-based science education - The case of Georgia and the project SALiS. In: Contemporary science education. Aachen: Shaker.

ეს სია შეიქმნა: Thu Mar 13 14:03:59 2025 PDT.