Diversity and conservation of Georgian orchids

Akhalkatsi, Maia და Kimeridze, Mariam და Künkele, Siegfried და Lorenz, Richard და Mosulishvili, Marine (2003) Diversity and conservation of Georgian orchids. პროექტის ანგარიში. Calamus, CGS Ltd., Tbilisi, Georgia.

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Successful conservation of threatened species calls for the protection and management of their habitats. However, in reality it is extremely difficult to realize this, because the preservation of actual habitats is generally an economic problem and is more or less limited. The existing protected territories not always coincide with local areas of distribution of rare and endangered species. Therefore, more knowledge is needed regarding the spread of Georgian orchids to determine better the localities to be protected in the future. The latest studies of Georgian orchids have shown that the exploration of wild orchids in Georgia is not sufficient. The new orchid species and habitats, found currently, suggest that that might be more new data to be obtained in the future. Therefore, it is essential that the detailed study of orchid chorology, systematics and mapping should continue. It is also necessary to adopt the legislation generally applied to European orchids. More effective management should be undertaken within protected territories to ensure survival of endangered species. New protected areas should be identified. In general, the conservation of Georgian wild orchids is viewed as unsatisfactory. We hope that in the nearest future at least some of the problems will be resolved and the survival of the whole diversity of orchids will no longer be threatened.

ობიექტის ტიპი: მონოგრაფია (პროექტის ანგარიში)
თემატიკა: Q Science > Conservation Biology
Q Science > Ecology
Q Science > QK Botany
განმათავსებელი მომხმარებელი: Prof.Dr. Maia Akhalkatsi
განთავსების თარიღი: 24 თებერვალი 2014 07:52
ბოლო ცვლილება: 24 მარტი 2015 12:40
URI: http://eprints.iliauni.edu.ge/id/eprint/1167

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