On the space distribution of F-Type stars / F-ტიპის ვარსკვლავთა სივრცეში განაწილების შესახებ

Vashakidze, M.A. and ვაშაკიძე, მ. (1937) On the space distribution of F-Type stars / F-ტიპის ვარსკვლავთა სივრცეში განაწილების შესახებ. აბასთუმნის ასტროფიზიკური ობსერვატორიის ბიულეტენი / Bulletin of the Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory (1). pp. 87-96.


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The main purpose of the present note is to investigate the distribution of F type stars in the direction perpendicular to the galactic plane (southern hemisphere). It may be assumed that in the vicinity of the Sun the equidensity layers arc plane-parallel. Moreover, these layers arc also parallel to the galactic pla¬ne. It is shown below that the curves N0(m) expressing the number of stars per square degree, brighter than the apparent magnitude m for any galactic latitude are connected with the curves N π/2(m) expressing the same quantity for the galactic pole by means of a very simple relation (8). Let us count the F type stars in the direction opposite to the galactic centre. With the aid of the data contained in the Extension of Henry Dra¬per's Catalogue, we computed the number of stars in three area\ each of them 20 wide in R. A. and 6 in declination, and all three located in the galactic plane. The results of these counts arc given in Table V. It will be seen from this table that the dependence of lop Am on in is not a linear one. This indicates that the distribution of stars in this direction is not uniform. The influence of absorption being unknown, we did not at¬tempt to apply equation (II) to this case. The first volume of the Bergedorfer Spektral-Durchmusterung was published after the completion of the present investigation. No doubt the material contained in that catalogue permits of a more accurate solution of the above problem in respect of the northern hemisphere. July, 1935

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Science > QB Astronomy
Divisions: Institutes > Evgeny Kharadze Abastumani National Astrophysical Observatory
Depositing User: თამარ ჭაღიაშვილი
Date Deposited: 18 May 2018 13:05
Last Modified: 02 Jun 2018 18:13
URI: http://eprints.iliauni.edu.ge/id/eprint/7977

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