Faraday rotation of the cosmic microwave background polarization by a stochastic magnetic field

Kosowsky, Arthur და Kahniashvili, Tina და Lavrelashvili, George და Ratra, Bharat (2005) Faraday rotation of the cosmic microwave background polarization by a stochastic magnetic field. Physical review D, 71.


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A primordial cosmological magnetic field induces Faraday rotation of the cosmic microwave background polarization. This rotation produces a curl-type polarization component even when the unrotated polarization possesses only gradient-type polarization, as expected from scalar density perturbations. We compute the angular power spectrum of curl-type polarization arising from small Faraday rotation due to a weak stochastic primordial magnetic field with a power-law power spectrum. The induced polarization power spectrum peaks at arc minute angular scales. Faraday rotation is one of the few cosmological sources of curl-type polarization, along with primordial tensor perturbations, gravitational lensing, and the vector and tensor perturbations induced by magnetic fields; the Faraday rotation signal peaks on significantly smaller angular scales than any of these, with a power spectrum amplitude which can be comparable to that from gravitational lensing. Prospects for detection are briefly discussed.

ობიექტის ტიპი: სტატია
თემატიკა: Q Science > QB Astronomy
Q Science > QC Physics
განმათავსებელი მომხმარებელი: Prof. Tina Kahniashvili
განთავსების თარიღი: 30 იანვარი 2014 12:39
ბოლო ცვლილება: 27 მარტი 2015 06:58
URI: http://eprints.iliauni.edu.ge/id/eprint/736

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