აკად. ერთეულებით ობიექტები "Faculties/Schools > School of Natural Sciences and Engineering" წლიდან 2010

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დაჯგუფება: ავტორები | ობიექტის ტიპი | დაჯგუფების გარეშე
ობიექტების რაოდენობა: 15.

Akhalaia, George და Makatsaria, George და Manjavidze, Nino (2010) On some qualitative issues of first order elliptic systems on the plane. Progress in Analysis and its Applications. 67-73.

Akhalaia, George და Manjavidze, Nino (2010) Boundary Value Problems with Shift for Generalized Analytic Vectors. Ann. Univ. Paed. Cracov. Stud. Math., 9. С. 123-132.

Braunecker, Bernd და Japaridze, G.I. და Klinovaja, Jelena და Loss, Daniel (2010) Spin-selective Peierls transition in interacting one-dimensional conductors with spin-orbit interaction. Physical Review B, 82 (4). 045127-1.

Chern, Gia-Wei და Perkins, Natalia და Japaridze, G.I. (2010) Quantum criticality of vanadium chains with strong relativistic spin-orbit interaction. Physical Review B, 82 (17). С. 172408-1.

Jonckheere, T. და Japaridze, G.I. და Martin, T. და Hayn , R. (2010) “Transport through a band insulator with Rashba spin-orbit coupling:metal-insulator transition and spin-filtering effects”. Physical Review B, 81 (16). С. 165443-1.

Meignen, Liliane და Tushabramishvili, Nikoloz (2010) Djruchula Cave, on the Southern Slopes of the Great Caucasus: An Extension of the Near Eastern Middle Paleolithic Blady Phenomenon to the North. Paléorient,, p. , 32 (2). С. 81-104. ISSN 0513-9345

Ristivojevic, Zoran და Japaridze, G.I. და Nattermann, Thomas (2010) Spin-filtering by field dependent resonant tunneling. Physical Review Letters, 104 (7). 076401-1.

Stroem, Anders და Johannesson, Henrik და Japaridze, G.I. (2010) Edge Dynamics in a Quantum Spin Hall State: Effects from Rashba Spin-Orbit Interaction. Physical Review Letters, 104 (25). С. 256804-1.

Harbron S., Hammer M., Jangidze L., Tavkhelidze A. (2010) Catalysts. US patent 7,651,875.

Tavkhelidze A., (2010) Method for fabrication of separators for electrode pairs in diodes. US patent 7,642,467.

Tavkhelidze, A. (2010) Nanostructured electrodes for thermionic and thermotunnel devices. J. Appl. Phys., 108 (4). 044313.

Tavkhelidze, A. (2010) Nanostructured electrodes for thermo-tunnel and thermionic devices. In: 23rd International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference (IVNC), Palo Alto, CA, USA, 26-30 July.

Tavkhelidze A., Harbron S. (2010) Process for making electrode pairs. US patent 7,658,772.

Tavkhelidze, A. და Svanidze, V. და Noselidze, I. (2010) Quantum State Depression in a Quantum Well of Special Geometry. In: New Developments in Materials Science. Nova Publishers, р. 1. ISBN 978-1-61668-907-0

ყიფიანი, გურამ (2010) ,,მცხეთის წარმოშობის საკითხისათვის” (საქალაქო სივრცე, დრო და გეოგრაფია). კადმოსი (2). С. 92-128. ISSN 1987-8788

ეს სია შეიქმნა: Tue Jan 21 04:16:00 2025 PST.