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ობიექტების რაოდენობა: 52.


Tevzadze, Gigi და Kikvidze, Zaal და Mikeladze, David და Solomonia, Revaz (2015) Lonely Neanderthal: Neurochemical Hypothesis for the Domestication of Animals and Plants. Kadmos. Journal of Humanities., 7.

Kikvidze, Zaal და Tevzadze, Gigi (2014) Loss of traditional knowledge aggravates wolf–human conflict in Georgia (Caucasus) in the wake of socio-economic change. AMBIO.

Tevzadze, Gigi და Kikvidze, Zaal (2014) Loss of traditional knowledge aggravates wolf–human conflict in Georgia (Caucasus) in the wake of socio-economic change. AMBIO.

Bussmann, Rainer W და Paniagua Zambrana, Narel Y და Sikharulidze, Shalva და Kikvidze, Zaal და Kikodze, David და Jinjikhadze, Tamar და Shanshiashvili, Tamaz და Chelidze, Dato და Batsatsashvili, Ketevan და Bakanidze, Niki (2014) Wine, Beer, Snuff, Medicine, and Loss of Diversity - Ethnobotanical travels in the Georgian Caucasus. Ethnobotany Research and Applications, 12. С. 237-313. ISSN 1547-3465

Cavieres, Lohen და Brooker, Rob და Butterfiled, Brad და Cook, Brad და Kikvidze, Zaal და Lortie, Chris და Michalet, Richard და Pugnaire, Francisco და Schöb, Christian და Xiao, S. და Anthelme, F. და Björk, R. და Dickinson, K. და Cranston, B. და Gavilán, R. და Gutiérrez-Girón, A. და Kanka, R. და Maaluf, J.-P. და Mark, A. და Noroozi, J. და Parajuli, R. და Phoenix, G. და Reid, A. და Ridenour, W და Rixen, C. და Wipf, S. და Zhao, L. და Escudero, A. და Zaitchek, B. და Lingua, E. და Aschehoug, E. და Callaway, Ray (2014) Facilitative plant interactions and climate simultaneously drive alpine plant diversity. Ecology Letters, 17. С. 193-202. ISSN 1461-0248

Shibuya, Sonomi და Kikvidze, Zaal და Toki, Wataru და Kanazawa, Yasuto და Suizu, Tatsuya და Yajima, Tamio და Fujimori, Takahiro და Mansournia, Mohammad Reza და Sule, Zuhair და Kubota, Kôhei და Fukuda, Kenji (2014) Ground beetle community in suburban Satoyama -a case study on wing type and body size under small scale management. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 17. С. 775-780.

Bussmann, Rainer W და Paniagua Zambrana, Narel Y და Sikharulidze, Shalva და Kikvidze, Zaal და Kikodze, David და Jinjikhadze, Tamar და Shanshiashvili, Tamaz და Chelidze, Dato და Batsatsashvili, Ketevan და Bakanidze, Niki (2014) Wine, Beer, Snuff, Medicine, and Loss of Diversity-Ethnobotanical travels in the Georgian Caucasus. Ethnobotany Research and Applications, 12. С. 237-313.

Schöb, Christian და Callaway, Ray და Anthelme, F. და Brooker, Rob და Cavieres, Lohen და Kikvidze, Zaal და Lortie, Chris და Michalet, Richard და Pugnaire, Francisco და Sa , Xiao და Cranston, B. და García, Mary-Carolina და Hupp, Nicole და LLambi, Luis D და Lingua, Emanuele და Zhao, L. და Reid, A. და Butterfield, Brad (2014) The context dependence of beneficiary feedback effects on benefactors in plant facilitation. New Phytologist, 204. С. 386-396.

Schöb, Christian და Michalet, Richard და Cavieres, Lohen და Pugnaire, Francisco და Brooker, Rob და Butterfield, Brad და Cook, Brad და Kikvidze, Zaal და Lortie, Chris და Sa, Xiao და Al Hayek, Patrick და Anthelme, F. და Cranston, B. და García, Mary-Carolina და Le Bagousse-Pinguet, Yoann და Reid, A. და le Roux, Peter და Lingua, Emanuele და Nyakatya, Mawethu J. და Touzard, Blaise და Zhao, L. და Callaway, Ray (2014) A global analysis of bidirectional interactions in alpine plant communities shows facilitators experiencing strong reciprocal fitness costs. New Phytologist, 202. С. 95-105.

Kikvidze, Zaal (2013) Secondary biodiversity and agriculture: definitions and threats from global change. Abstracts of the International Conference on Agriculture (ICA 2013). (არ გამოქვეყნებულა)

Butterfield, Brad და Cavieres, Lohen და Callaway, Ray და Cook, Brad და Kikvidze, Zaal (2013) Alpine cushion plants inhibit the loss of phylogenetic diversity in severe environments. Ecology Letters, 16. С. 478-486. ISSN 1461-0248

Butterfield, Brad და Cavieres, Lohen და Callaway, Ray და Cook, Brad და Kikvidze, Zaal და Lortie, Chris და Michalet, Richard და Schöb, Christian და Xiao, Sa და Zaitchek, B. და Anthelme, F. და Björk, R. და Dickinson, K. და Gavilán, R. და Kanka, R. და Maaluf, J.-P. და Noroozi, J. და Parajuli, R. და Phoenix, G. და Reid, A. და Ridenour, W. და Wipf, S. და Zhao, L. და Brooker, Rob (2013) Alpine cushion plants inhibit the loss of phylogenetic diversity in severe environments. Ecology Letters, 16. С. 478-486. ISSN 1461-0248

Abukawa, Kazuki და Yamamuro, Masumi და Kikvidze, Zaal და Asada, Akira და Chunhui, Xu და Sugimoto, Kenichi (2013) Assessing the biomass and distribution of submerged aquatic vegetation using multibeam echo sounding in Lake Towada, Japan. Limnology, 14. С. 39-42. ISSN 1439-863X

Jimbo, Katsuaki და Kubota, Kôhei და Kikvidze, Zaal (2013) Ground beetle succession on Mount Fujisan. Biogeography, 15. С. 85-94.

Brooker, Rob და Kikvidze, Zaal და Kunstler, Georges და Liancourt, Pierre და Seifan, Merav (2013) The concept and measurement of importance: a comment on Rees et al. 2012. Journal of Ecology, 101. С. 1369-1378. ISSN 1365-2745

Kikvidze, Zaal და Armas, Cristina და Fukuda, Kenji და Martínez-García, Laura და Miyata, Masanori და Oda-Tanaka, Ayumi და Pugnaire, Francisco და Wu, B (2013) The role of arbuscular mycorrhizae in primary succession: differences and similarities across habitats. Web Ecology, 54. С. 279-284. ISSN 1399-1183

Schöb, Christian და Kammer, Peter და Kikvidze, Zaal (2012) Combining observational and experimental methods in plant–plant interaction research. Plant Ecology & Diversity, 5. С. 27-36. ISSN 1755-1668

Suzuki, Maki და Miyashita, Tadashi და Kabaya, Hajime და Ochiai, Keiji და Asada, Masahiko და Kikvidze, Zaal (2012) Deer herbivory as an important driver of divergence of ground vegetation communities in temperate forests. Oikos, 122. С. 104-110. ISSN 1600-0706

Shibuya, Sonomi და Kubota, Kohei და Ohsawa, Masahiko და Kikvidze, Zaal (2011) Assembly rules for ground beetle communities: What determines community structure, environmental factors or competition? European Journal of Entomology, 108. С. 456-459.

Kikvidze, Zaal და Michalet, Richard და Brooker, Rob და Cavieres, Lohen და Lortie, Chris და Pugnaire, Francisco და Callaway, Ray (2011) Climatic drivers of plant–plant interactions and diversity in alpine communities. Alpine Botany, 121. С. 63-70. ISSN 1664-221X

Kikvidze, Zaal და Suzuki, Maki და Brooker, Rob (2011) Conceptualizing importance: response to Freckleton and Rees. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 26. С. 499-500. ISSN Cell Press

Kikvidze, Zaal და Suzuki, Maki და Brooker, Rob (2011) Importance versus intensity of ecological effects: why context matters. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 26. С. 383-388. ISSN Cell Press

Schöb, Christian და Kammer, Peter და Kikvidze, Zaal და Choler, Philippe და Von Felten, Stefanie და Veit, Heinz (2010) Counterbalancing effects of competition for resources and facilitation against grazing in alpine snowbed communities. Oikos, 119. С. 104-110. ISSN 1600-0706

Prieto, Iván და Kikvidze, Zaal და Pugnaire, Francisco (2010) Hydraulic lift: soil processes and transpiration in the Mediterranean leguminous shrub Retama sphaerocarpa (L.) Boiss. Plant and Soil, 329. С. 447-456.

Kikvidze, Zaal და Brooker, Rob (2010) Towards a more exact definition of the importance of competition – a reply to Freckleton et al. (2009). Journal of Ecology, 98. С. 719-724. ISSN 1365-2745

Armas, Cristina და Kikvidze, Zaal და Pugnaire, Francisco (2009) Abiotic conditions, neighbour interactions, and the distribution of Stipa tenacissima in a semiarid mountain range. Journal of Arid Environments, 73. С. 1084-1089. ISSN 0140-1963

Brooker, Rob და Callaway, Ray და Cavieres, Lohen და Kikvidze, Zaal და Lortie, Chris და Michalet, Richared და Pugnaire, Francisco და Valiente-Banuet, Alfonso და Whitham, Thomas (2009) Don’t diss integration: a comment on Ricklefs’s disintegrating communities. American Naturalist, 174. С. 919-927.

Kikvidze, Zaal და Callaway, Ray (2009) Ecological Facilitation May Drive Major Evolutionary Transitions. BioScience, 59. С. 399-404. ISSN 1525-3244

Brooker, Rob და Kikvidze, Zaal (2008) Facilitation in plant communities: the past, the present, and the future. Journal of Ecology, 96 (1). С. 18-34. ISSN 1365-2745

Schöb, Christian და Kammer, Peter და Kikvidze, Zaal და Choler, Philippe და Veit, Heinz (2008) Changes in species composition in alpine snowbeds with climate change inferred from small-scale spatial patterns. Web Ecology, 8. С. 142-159. ISSN 1399-1183

Shibuya, Sonomi და Kubota, Kohei და Kikvidze, Zaal და Ohsawa, Masahiko (2008) Differential Sensitivity of Ground Beetles, Eusilpha japonica and Carabidae, to Vegetation Disturbance in an Abandoned Coppice Forest in Central Japan. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research, 11. С. 61-72. ISSN 1345-8221

Brooker, Rob და Kikvidze, Zaal (2008) Importance: an overlooked concept in plant interaction research. Journal of Ecology, 96. С. 703-708.

Kikvidze, Zaal და Moya-Laraño, Jordi (2008) Unexpected failures of recommended tests in basic statistical analyses of ecological data. Web Ecology, 8. С. 67-73. ISSN 1399-1183

Michalet, Richard და Brooker, Rob და Cavieres, Lohen და Kikvidze, Zaal და Lortie, Chris და Pugnaire, Francisco და Valiente-Banuet, Alfonso და Callaway, Ray (2006) Do biotic interactions shape both sides of the humped-back model of species richness in plant communities? Ecology Letters, 9 (7). С. 767-773. ISSN 1461-0248

Kikvidze, Zaal და Khetsuriani, Liana და Kikodze, David და Callaway, Ray (2006) Seasonal shifts in competition and facilitation in subalpine plant communities of the central Caucasus. Journal of Vegetation Science, 17 (1). С. 77-82. ISSN 1654-1103

Kikvidze, Zaal და Armas, Cristina და Pugnaire, Francisco (2006) The effect of initial biomass in manipulative experiments on plants. Functional Ecology, 20. С. 1-3. ISSN 1365-2435

Kikvidze, Zaal და Pugnaire, Francisco და Brooker, Rob და Choler, Philippe და Lortie, Chris და Michalet, Richnard და Callaway, Ray (2005) Linking patterns and processes in alpine plant communities: a global study. Ecology, 86 (6). С. 1395-1400. ISSN 0012-9658

Brooker, Rob და Kikvidze, Zaal და Pugnaire, Francisco და Callaway, Ray და Choler, Philippe და Lortie, Chris და Michalet, Richard (2005) The importance of importance. Oikos, 109 (1). С. 63-70. ISSN 1600-0706

Kikvidze, Zaal და Khetsuriani, Liana და Kikodze, David (2005) Small-scale guild proportions and niche complementarity in a Caucasian subalpine hay meadow. Journal of Vegetation Science, 16. С. 565-570. ISSN 1654-1103

Brooker, Rob და Kikvidze, Zaal და Pugnaire, Francisco და Callaway, Ray და Choler, Philippe და Lortie, Chris და Michalet, Richard (2005) The importance of importance.(vol 109, pg 63, 2005). Oikos, 111. р. 208. ISSN 1600-0706

Lortie, Chris და Brooker, Rob და Choler, Philippe და Kikvidze, Zaal და Michalet, Richard და Pugnaire, Francisco და Callaway, Ray (2004) Rethinking plant community theory. Oikos, 107 (2). С. 433-438. ISSN 1600-0706

Lortie, Chris და Brooker, Rob და Kikvidze, Zaal და Callaway, Ray (2004) The value of stress and limitation in an imperfect world: A reply to Körner. Journal of Vegetation Science, 15. С. 577-580. ISSN 1654-1103

Callaway, Ray და Brooker, Rob და Choler, Philippe და Kikvidze, Zaal (2002) Positive interactions among alpine plants increase with stress. Nature, 417 (6891). С. 844-848. ISSN 0028-0836

Kikvidze, Zaal და Ohsawa, Masahiko (2002) Measuring the number of co-dominants in ecological communities. Ecological Research, 17. С. 519-525. ISSN 1440-1703

Kikvidze, Zaal და Khetsuriani, Liana და Kikodze, David და Callaway, Ray (2001) Facilitation and interference in subalpine meadows of the central Caucasus. Journal of Vegetation Science, 12. С. 833-838.

Kikvidze, Zaal და Ohsawa, Masahiko (2001) Richness of Colchic vegetation: comparison between refugia of south-western and East Asia. BMC ecology, 1 (6). ISSN 1472-6785

Callaway, Ray და Kikvidze, Zaal და Kikodze, David (2000) Facilitation by unpalatable weeds may conserve plant diversity in overgrazed meadows in the Caucasus Mountains. Oikos, 89 (2). С. 275-282. ISSN 1600-0706

Kikvidze, Zaal (2000) Modelling species richness and diversity in grassland communities of the Central Caucasus. Oikos, 89. С. 123-127. ISSN 1600-0706

Kikvidze, Zaal და Nakhutsrishvili, Gia (1998) Facilitation in subnival vegetation patches. Journal of Vegetation Science, 9 (2). С. 261-264. ISSN 1654-1103

Kikvidze, Zaal (1998) Facilitation and Competition in Alpine Plant Communities. Global Environmental Research, 9. С. 261-264.

Kikvidze, Zaal (1996) Neighbour interaction and stability in subalpine meadow communities. Journal of Vegetation Science. ISSN 1654-1103

Kikvidze, Zaal (1996) Plant species associations in alpine-subnival vegetation patches in the Central Caucasus. Journal of Vegetation Science, 7. С. 41-44.

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