დონით მაღლა |
Okrostsvaridze, Avtandil და Gamkrelidze, Iralki და Lee, Yan-Hsi და Keskin, Mehmet და Tormay, Daniel და Boichenko, Giorgi და Gogoladze, Salome და Makadze, Mirian (2024) U–Pb geochronology and geochemistry of volcanic ash layers in the Eastern Caucasus intermountain Neogene basin: implications fortheir sources. Arabian Journal of Geosciences.
Okrostsvaridze, Avtandil და Lee, Yuan-Hs და Keskin, Mehmet და Tormey, Daniel და Boichenko, Giorgi და Gogoladze, Salome და Gabrielashvili, Rabi და Makadze, MIriani (2023) Determination of Volcanic Ash Layers Source of Easter Caucasus Neogene Basin: Evidence from Zircon U-Pb Geochronology and Geochemistry. In: Mediterranean Geosciences Union Annual Meeting 2023 (MedGU23).
Okrostsvaridze, Avtandil და Lee, Yan-Hsi და Keskin, Mehmet და Tormay, Daniel და Boichenko, Giorgi და Gogoladze, Salome და Gabrielashvili, Rabi და Makadze, MIriani (2023) Determination of Volcanic Ash Layers Source of Easter Caucasus Neogene Basin: Evidence from Zircon U-Pb Geochronology and Geochemistry. In: Mediterranean Geosciences Union Annual Meeting.
Okrostsvaridze, Avtandil და Wilke, Franziska და Bluashvili, David და Gogoladze, Salome და Gabrielashvili, Rabi (2023) Geochemistry and chemical U-Pb dating of U-Th mineralization of the Shkhara crystalline massif, Greater Caucasus, Georgia. In: EGU 23.
Gamkrelidze, Iralki და Okrostsvaridze, Avtandil და Sharikadze, Mevlud და Tormay, Daniel და Boichenko, Giorgi და Gogoladze, Salome და Gabrielashvili, Rabi (2023) Mass Burial site of the Grypheys in Upper Cretaceous sedimentary cover of the Khrami massif, Lesser Caucasus, Georgia. In: Mediterranean Geosciences Union Annual Meeting, Istambul, Turkey.
Gamkrelidze, Iralki და Okrostsvaridze, Avtandil და Lee, Yan-Hsi და Tormay, Daniel და Boichenko, Giorgi და Gogoladze, Salome (2023) Plutonic Magmatism of of the Greater Caucasus Svaneti Segment: Zircon U-Pb Geochronology, Petrochemistry and Geodynamic setting of formation. The Abstracts book of the International Scientific Conference Dedicated to the 90th birth anniversary of the Academicians Irakli Gamkrelidze and David Shengelia.
Maqadze, Mirian და Okrostsvaridze, Avtandil და Lee, Yuan-Hs და Tormay, Daniel და Boichenko, Giorgi და Gogoladze, Salome (2023) Zircon U-Pb Geochronology and Geochemistry of the Eastern Caucasus Intermountain Neogene Basin Volcanic Ash Layers: Implications for their Source. Abstract Book of the International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 90-th birth anniversary of the Academicians Irakli Gamkrelidze and David Shengelia.
Okrostsvaridze, Avtandil და Gamkrelidze, Irakli და Chung, Sun-Lin და Rabayrol, Fabien , და Boichenko, Giorgi და Gogoladze, Salome (2023) Zircons U-Pb geochronology of the xenoliths of the Adjara-Traileti orogenic belt plutons: evidence for destruction of the Pre-Jurassic crystalline basement. Abstact book of the International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 90-th birth anniversary of the academicians Irakli Gamkrelidze and David Shengelia.
Okrostsvaridze, Avtandil და Akimidze, Karlo და Bluashvili, David და Gogoladze, Salome (2022) Thorium - the Energy Source of the Future and its Ore Occurrences in Georgia. Universal.
Okrostsvaridze, Avtandil და Wilke, Franziska და Bluashvili, David და Gogoladze, Salome (2022) Thorium and Uranium Ore Occurrences in Georgia, and their potential for industrial use. In: MEDGU, Marracesh , Marroco.
Okrostsvaridze, Avtandil და Wilke, Franziska და Bluashvili, David და Gogoladze, Salome (2022) Thorium and Uranium Ore Occurrences in Georgia, and their potential for industrial use. In: MEDGU, Marracesh , Marroco.
Okrostsvaridze, Avtandil და Wilke, Franziska და Bluashvili, David და Gogoladze, Salome (2022) Thorium and Uranium Ore Occurrences in Georgia, and their potential for industrial use. MEDGU 2023 Extended abstracts book.
Okrostsvaridze, Avtandil და Akimidze, Karlo და Bluashvili, David და Gogoladze, Salome (2022) Thorium – an Energy of the Future (?) and its ore occurrences in Georgia. პროექტის ანგარიში. Universal.
Okrostsvaridze, Avtandil და Gamkrelidze, Iralki და Boichenko, Giorgi და Gogoladze, Salome (2022) VARDZIA, LESSER CAUCASUS, GEORGIA: SUITABLE AREA TO ASPIRING A GEOPARK. In: 16th EUROPEAN GEOPARKS CONFERENCE, VERBANIA, ITALY.
Okrostsvaridze, Avtandil და Gamkrelidze, Iralki და Boichenko, Giorgi და Gogoladze, Salome (2022) VARDZIA, LESSER CAUCASUS, GEORGIA: SUTABLE AREA TO ASPIRING A GEOPARK. In: 16th European Geoparks Conference, Berbania, Italy.
Okrostsvaridze, Avtandil და Bluashvili, David და Gogoladze, Salome და Gabrielashvili, Rabi (2022) The discovery of U mineralization in the late Variscan plagiogranite vein of the Shkhara crystalline massif (Greater Caucasus, Georgia). GEOLOGICA BALCANICA.
Okrostsvaridze, Avtandil და Bluashvili, David და Gogoladze, Salome და Gabrielashvili, Rabi (2021) The First Data on U-Th Mineralization in the Shkhara Paleozoic Crystalline Massif, the Greater Caucasus. Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences. ISSN 0132 - 1447
Okrostsvaridze, Avtandil და CHANG, Yu-Han და Chung, Sun-Lin და Boichenko, Giorgi და Gogoladze, Salome (2021) Paleozoic xenoliths in Eocene plutons: The evidence for the destruction of pre-Jurassic crystalline basement beneath Adjara–Trialeti belt, Lesser Caucasus. Geologica Carpathica.
Okrostsvaridze, Avtandil და Chung, Sun-Lin და Chang, Yu-Han და Gogoladze, Salome (2019) Discovery of Neo-Proterosic Relics in Paleogene Adjara-Trialeti Belt, Lesser Caucasus: Implication for Zircons U-Pb Geochronology. In: Goldschmidt2019 International Geochemical Conference, ბარსელონა, ესპანეთი.
Okrostsvaridze, Avtandil და Chung, Sun-Lin და Lin, Yu-Chin და Gogoladze, Salome (2019) PRECAMBRIAN RELICTS IN PALEOGENE ADJARA-TRIALETI FOLDED ZONE, LESSER CAUCASUS: IMPLICTIONS FOR ZIRCONS U-Pb GEOCHRONOLOGY. In: განვითარებული გეოლოგია - ძლიერი ეკონომიკის საფუძველია, 2019, თბილისი.
Okrostsvaridze, Avtandil და Gagnidze, Nona და Chung, Sun-Lin და Chang, Yu-Han და Boichenko, Giorgi და Gogoladze, Salome (2019) PRECAMBRIAN RELICTS IN PALEOGENE ADJARA-TRIALETI FOLDED ZONE, LESSER CAUCASUS: IMPLICTIONS FOR ZIRCONS U-Pb GEOCHRONOLOGY. In: საერთაშორისო გეოლოგიური კონფერენცია, თბილი.
Gagnidze, Nona და Okrostsvaridze, Avtandil და Gogoladze, Salome და Akimidze, Karlo (2019) Thorium – Future Energy: Investigation of Th Occurrences in Georgia Republic. სხვა. Goldsfmidt2019 Conference Proc..
Okrostsvaridze, Avtandil და Gagnidze, Nona და Akimidze, Karlo და Gogoladze, Salome (2019) Thorium – Future Energy: Investigation of its Occurrences in Georgia, the Caucasus. In: Goldschmid2019 conference, Barselona, Spain.
Okrostsvaridze, Avtandil და Chung, Sun-Lin და Chang, Yu-Han და Gagnidze, Nona და Boichenko, Giorgi და Gogoladze, Salome (2018) Zircons U-Pb Geochronology of the Ore-Bearing Plutons of Adjara-Trialeti Folded Zone, Lesser Caucasus and Analysis of the Magmatic Processes. Bulletin of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, 12 (2). С. 90-99. ISSN 0132 - 1447
Okrostsvaridze, Avtandil და Gogoladze, Salome (2017) Abstract- Thorium Energy Resources and its Potential of Georgian Republic, The Caucasus. In: EGU General Assembly 2017, EGU General Assembly 2017.
Okrostsvaridze, Avtandil და Boichenko, Giorgi და Gogoladze, Salome (2017) EVALUATION OF GEOLOGIC HAZARDS FOR THE TRANS-CAUCASUS CASPIAN OIL AND GAS PIPELINES IN THE ABUL-SAMSARI VOLCANIC RIDGE SECTION. In: Joint meeting of IGCP 610 and INQUA POCAS Focus Group, Palermo, Italy, 1-9 October, 2017, 1-9 October, Palermo, Italy. (პროცესშია)
Gogoladze, Salome და Okrostsvaridze, Avtandil (2017) Thorium Energy Resources and its Potential of Georgian Republic, The Caucasus. In: Goldschmidt-2017 Conference,, Vienna, Austria.
Okrostsvaridze, Avtandil და Gogoladze, Salome (2017) Thorium Resources and their Energy Potential in Georgian Republic, the Caucasus. ScienceDirect.
Okrostsvaridze, Avtandil და Gogoladze, Salome (2017) Thorium Resources and their Energy Potential in Georgian Republic, the Caucasus. In: ENERGY PROCEDIA. ELSEVIER. (პროცესშია)
Gogoladze, Salome და Okrostsvaridze, Avtandil და Kvanchilashvili, Rusudan (2017) Thorium Resources of Georgia: Black Sea Coastal Magnetite sand and its medical properties. In: International Geochemical conference Goldschmidt 2017, Paris, France.