ობიექტები, სადაც ავტორები არიან "Batsatsashvili, Ketevan"

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ობიექტების რაოდენობა: 10.


Bussmann, Rainer W და Paniagua Zambrana, Narel Y და Sikharulidze, Shalva და Kikvidze, Zaal და Kikodze, David და Jinjikhadze, Tamar და Shanshiashvili, Tamaz და Chelidze, Dato და Batsatsashvili, Ketevan და Bakanidze, Niki (2014) Wine, Beer, Snuff, Medicine, and Loss of Diversity - Ethnobotanical travels in the Georgian Caucasus. Ethnobotany Research and Applications, 12. С. 237-313. ISSN 1547-3465

Bussmann, Rainer W და Paniagua Zambrana, Narel Y და Sikharulidze, Shalva და Kikvidze, Zaal და Kikodze, David და Jinjikhadze, Tamar და Shanshiashvili, Tamaz და Chelidze, Dato და Batsatsashvili, Ketevan და Bakanidze, Niki (2014) Wine, Beer, Snuff, Medicine, and Loss of Diversity-Ethnobotanical travels in the Georgian Caucasus. Ethnobotany Research and Applications, 12. С. 237-313.

Kürschner, Harald და Batsatsashvili, Ketevan და Parolly, Gerald (2013) Noteworthy additions to the bryophyte flora of Georgia. Herzogia, 26 (1). С. 213-216. ISSN 0018-0971

Kürschner, Harald და Kırmacı, Mesut და Erdağ, Adnan და Batsatsashvili, Ketevan და Parolly, Gerald (2012) Ecology and life strategies of epiphytic bryophyte communities from the Arcto-Tertiary relict forests of the Black and Caspian Sea areas. Nova Hedwigia, 94 (1). С. 31-65.

Akhalkatsi, Maia და Ekhvaia, Jana და Mosulishvili, Marine და Nakhutsrishvili, George და Abdaladze, Otar და Batsatsashvili, Ketevan (2010) Reasons and Processes Leading to the Erosion of Crop Genetic Diversity in Mountainous Regions of Georgia. Mountain Research and Development, 30 (3). С. 304-310. ISSN 0276-4741

წიგნების განყოფილება

Nakhutsrishvili, George და Gagnidze, Revaz და Shetekauri, Shamil და Manvelidze, Zurab და Memiadze, Nino და Kharazishvili, David და Batsatsashvili, Ketevan (2014) Georgia. In: Red List of Endemic Plants of the Caucasus: Armenia, Azerbaidjan, Georgia, Iran, Russia, and Turkey. Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden (MSB) 125. . Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Saint Louis. ISBN 9780915279821

Nakhutsrishvili, George და Zazanashvili, Nugzar და Batsatsashvili, Ketevan (2011) Regional profile: Colchic and Hyrcanic temperate rainforests of the Western Eurasian Caucasus. In: Temperate and Boreal Rainfo rests of the World. Island Press, С. 250-257. ISBN 13: 978-1-59726-676-5

Schatz, George E. და Shulkina, Tatyana და Nakhutsrishvili, George და Batsatsashvili, Ketevan და Tamanyan, Kamilla და Ali-zade, Valida და Kikodze, David და Geltman, Dmitry და Ekim, Tuna (2009) Development of Plant Red List Assessments for the Caucasus Biodiversity Hotspot. In: Status and Protection of Globally Threatened Species in the Caucasus. CEPF, WWF. Contour Ltd., С. 188-192. ISBN 978-9941-0-2203-6

სემინარის ან კონფერენციის მოხსენება

Batsatsashvili, Ketevan (2011) Batsatsashvili, K. Identification of important plant areas in Georgia (the Caucasus biodiversity hotspot). In: Th. Borsch, P. Giere, J. Hoffmann, R. Jahn, C. Löhne, B. Nordt, M. Ohl (eds.):Programme and Abstracts of BioSystematics Berlin 2011 - 7th International Congress of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology (ICSEB VII), 12th Annual Meeting of the Society of Biological Systematics (Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik, GfBS), 20th International Symposium “Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology” of the German Botanical Society (DBG) 21–27 February, 2011. Downloadable from: http://www.biosyst-berlin-2011.de/Biosystematics_Abstracts.pdf. In: BioSystematics Berlin 2011. (არ გამოქვეყნებულა)

Akhalkatsi, Maia და Ekhvaia, Jana და Mosulishvili, Marine და Nakhutsrishvili, Gia და Abdaladze, Otar და Batsatsashvili, Ketevan (2010) Erosion of crop genetic diversity in mountainous regions of Georgia. In: proceeding of: the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 10), 18-29 October 2010, Nagoya, Japan.

ეს სია შეიქმნა: Wed Mar 12 09:02:45 2025 PDT.