Promoting student-active and inquiry-based science learning by the project SALiS

Kapanadze, Marika და Janashia, Simon და Makashvili , Malkhaz და Eilks, Ingo და Stucky, Marc და Markic, Silvjia (2011) Promoting student-active and inquiry-based science learning by the project SALiS. In: ESERA 9th International Conference "Science Learning and Citizenship", 5-9 SEptember, 2011, France, Lyon.

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This paper gives an overview about the project ‘SALiS– Student Active Learning in Science’, funded by the TEMPUS program of the EU for 2010-2012. SAliS is a reform initiative for middle and eastern European countries to innovate science teaching and teacher education. SALiS seeks to overcome a centralized and teacher-centered paradigm in science education as it is still predominant in different countries of central and Eastern Europe. Intended change concerns more student-active and problem-based science education under inclusion of students’ hands-on and inquiry-based learning in the lab. Within an international network, ten partners from six countries work on establishing sustainable change i.e. in the training practices of prospective and in-service science teachers.

ობიექტის ტიპი: სემინარის ან კონფერენციის მოხსენება (პლაკატი)
თემატიკა: L Education > L Education (General)
განმათავსებელი მომხმარებელი: Dr. Marika Kapanadze
განთავსების თარიღი: 20 აპრილი 2015 12:15
ბოლო ცვლილება: 20 აპრილი 2015 12:15

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