Le signe de l’historicité dans la transformation de la parole poétique en acte poétique chez Francis Ponge et Giorgi Léonidzé

Mamatsashvili, Atinati (2015) Le signe de l’historicité dans la transformation de la parole poétique en acte poétique chez Francis Ponge et Giorgi Léonidzé. RLC - Revue de littérature comparée, LXXXIX (1). pp. 51-64. ISSN 00351466 (In Press)

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Our article focuses on the poetic texts conceived in a dissimilar politico-historical space. In the Le Carnet du Bois de pin (1940) Francis Ponge approaches an object which contains, at first sight, no historically distinguishing feature, but which nonetheless gives rise to the emergence of a definite temporality. The process adopted by Ponge echoes that of Giorgi Léonidzé, Georgian symbolist poet (The Tree, 1931). The purpose of this study consists in demonstrating by which methodological and conceptual means the literary text arrives to get over the historicity in order to appropriate the notion of the pure literary text, constituting, nevertheless, the political writing.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: pouvoir des mots, résistance, Occupation, régime communiste
Subjects: P Language and Literature > PY Comparative Literature
P Language and Literature > PN Literature (General)
Divisions: Institutes > Institute of Comparative Literature
Depositing User: Atinati Mamatsashvili
Date Deposited: 14 Apr 2015 11:46
Last Modified: 14 Apr 2015 11:46
URI: http://eprints.iliauni.edu.ge/id/eprint/1961

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