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Bandi, S და Joseph, B და Berishvili, E და Singhania, R და Wu, YM და Cheng, K და Gupta, S (2011) Perturbations in ataxia telangiectasia mutant signaling pathways after drug-induced acute liver failure and their reversal during rescue of animals by cell therapy. American Journal of Pathology, 178 (1). С. 161-174.


Gegelashvili, Georgi (2017) Glutamate Transport System in the Spinal Cord: New Mechanistic Targets for Pharmacological Modulation of Excitatory Signalling. The FEBS Journal, 284 (Sp1). С. 151-152.

Gegelashvili, Georgi და Bjerrum, Ole Jannik (2015) Functional Cross-Talk Between Different Systems of Glutamate Transport and Metabolism in the Spinal Cord. In: Glia Amino Acid Transporters in Health and Disease, 2015, Atlanta, Georgia.


Inada, M და Benten, D და Cheng, K და Joseph, B და Berishvili, E და Badve, S და Logdberg, L და Dabeva, M და Gupta, S (2008) Stage-specific regulation of adhesion molecule expression segregates epithelial stem/progenitor cells in fetal and adult human livers. Hepatology International, 2 (1). С. 50-62.


Kakabadze, Zurab და Gupta, S და Brandhorst, D და Korsgren, O და Berishvili, E (2011) Long-term engraftment and function of transplanted pancreatic islets in vascularized segments of small intestine. Transpl International, 24 (2). С. 175-183.


Shanshiashvili, Lali და Suknidze, N.Ch. და Machaidze, G.G. და Mikeladze, D.G. და Ramsden, J.J. (2003) Adhesion and clustering of charge isomers of myelin basic protein at model myelin membranesq. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics , 419 . С. 170-177.


Wu, YM და Joseph, B და Berishvili, E და Kumaran, V და Gupta, S (2008) Hepatocyte transplantation and drug-induced perturbations in liver cell compartments. Hepatology, 47 (1). С. 279-287.

ეს სია შეიქმნა: Thu Mar 6 09:12:33 2025 PST.