ობიექტები თემით "J Political Sciences > JB Caucasus in European and global context"

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ამ დონეზე ობიექტების რაოდენობა: 4.


Aprasidze, David და Atilgan, Canan (2013) End to an Era. Transfer of Power in Georgia. KAS International Reports (12). С. 69-88. ISSN 0177-7521

Aprasidze, David და Siroky, David (2010) Frozen Transitions and Unfrozen Conflicts, Or What Went Wrong in Georgia? Yale Journal of International Affairs, 5 (2). С. 121-136.

Toria, Malkhaz (2015) Remembering Homeland In Exile: Recollections of IDPs from the Abkhazia Region of Georgia. Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe, Vol 14 (1). С. 48-70.

წიგნების განყოფილება

Aprasidze, David (2001) Kooperation und Stabiliteaet im Kaukasus. In: Militär und Gesellschaft im Kontext europäischer Sicherheit. Demokratie, Sicherhei, Frieden . Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden, С. 192-200. ISBN 3-7890-7373-3

ეს სია შეიქმნა: Fri Mar 14 01:45:26 2025 PDT.