
Triturus karelinii


Taxonomy [top]

Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family

Scientific Name: Triturus karelinii
Species Authority: (Strauch, 1870)
Common Name/s:
English Southern Crested Newt
Triturus cristatus subspecies karelini (Strauch, 1870)
Taxonomic Notes: The exact ranges of members of the Triturus cristatus superspecies are unclear in the central Balkans.

Assessment Information [top]

Red List Category & Criteria: Least Concern ver 3.1
Year Published: 2009
Date Assessed: 2008-12-14
Assessor/s: Jan Willem Arntzen, Theodore Papenfuss, Sergius Kuzmin, David Tarkhnishvili, Vladimir Ishchenko, Boris Tuniyev, Max Sparreboom, Nasrullah Rastegar-Pouyani, Ismail H. Ugurtas, Steven Anderson, Wiesiek Babik, Claude Miaud, Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic
Reviewer/s: Cox, N. and Temple, H.J. (Global Amphibian Assessment)
Listed as Least Concern in view of its wide distribution, tolerance of a broad range of habitats, presumed large population, and because it is unlikely to be declining fast enough to qualify for listing in a more threatened category.
2004 Least Concern
2000 Data Deficient

Geographic Range [top]

Range Description: This species ranges from the eastern side of the Balkan Peninsula (extreme southeastern Serbia, eastern FYR Macedonia, most of Bulgaria, northeastern Greece, and European Turkey) through western and northern Turkey along the edges of the Black Sea, to the Caucasus (Russia, Georgia and Azerbaijan). There are apparently isolated populations in central Serbia, on the Crimean Peninsula (Ukraine), and in the southern Caspian region of northern Iran. The map for this species largely follows Arntzen, (2003). It can be found from sea level to elevations approaching 2,100m asl (southern Caucasus).
Azerbaijan; Bulgaria; Georgia; Greece; Iran, Islamic Republic of; Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of; Russian Federation; Serbia (Serbia); Turkey; Ukraine
Range Map: Click here to open the map viewer and explore range.

Population [top]

Population: In West Asia it is reasonably common in suitable habitat. Within the former Soviet Union habitat loss has caused the decline of many populations (especially in the Crimea and the Caucasus).
Population Trend: Decreasing

Habitat and Ecology [top]

Habitat and Ecology: It can be found in mountain forests (broad-leaved and coniferous species) and their surroundings; the forest steppe and even true steppe sites within the mountains. The majority of such populations are the relics of a former forest fauna. Within these landscapes, these populations inhabit slopes and plateau covered with meadows or xerophytic vegetation. Such habitats are especially widespread in the parts of the species' range in Crimea and southern Azerbaijan. In general, T. karelinii seems to be more resistant to xeric habitat conditions than other Triturus newts. Breeding takes place in slow moving stream pools, ponds and occasionally drainage ditches. The female deposits approximately 100-250 eggs; these are individually wrapped in aquatic vegetation. The species can withstand some degree of habitat modification.
Systems: Terrestrial; Freshwater

Threats [top]

Major Threat(s): Deforestation and pollution of wetlands by agrochemicals appear to be the main threats to this species. In the former Soviet Union there is significant commercial collecting of this species for the pet trade. In Turkey there are no immediate threats to this species, as it is widespread and found in many habitat types. Within Iran it is threatened by urban sprawl along the Caspian coast and foothills, agricultural development (rice cultivation) and logging. In the Balkans, there has been loss of breeding habitats in recent years due to decreased spring rains, perhaps as a result of global climate change. In Greece the loss of aquatic habitats is a serious threat to this species.

Conservation Actions [top]

Conservation Actions: It is listed on Annex IV of the EU Natural Habitats Directive, and on Appendix II of the Bern Convention. It is listed in a number of national and sub-national Red Data Books and Lists. It is recorded from many protected areas. It is present in the largely protected Hyrcanian Forests of Iran. The species was re-introduced near Sochi Town in Sochi National Park (Russia).
Citation: Jan Willem Arntzen, Theodore Papenfuss, Sergius Kuzmin, David Tarkhnishvili, Vladimir Ishchenko, Boris Tuniyev, Max Sparreboom, Nasrullah Rastegar-Pouyani, Ismail H. Ugurtas, Steven Anderson, Wiesiek Babik, Claude Miaud, Jelka Crnobrnja Isailovic 2009. Triturus karelinii. In: IUCN 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.2. <>. Downloaded on 27 January 2014.
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