Die Polizei in Georgien : Wandel eines Akteurs
The police in (Post-Soviet) Georgia : change of an actor
- During the violent phases of transformation in post-Soviet Georgia the power of the police passed on to paramilitary groups. Under the rule of president Shevardnadze, however, the police regained a central political role, but it remained embedded in Soviet and pre-Soviet political structures. This becomes visible by looking at the political economy of the police. Informal taxes, purchase of office, and clientelism became established practices within the police. At present, the new government tries to carry out structural reforms in the police sector, which might lead to a break with the current hybrid Georgian state model.
Author: | David Aphrasidze |
URN: | urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-47390 |
Document Type: | Postprint |
Language: | German |
Date of Publication (online): | 2010/09/20 |
Year of Completion: | 2004 |
Publishing Institution: | Universität Potsdam |
Release Date: | 2010/09/20 |
Tag: | Georgien; Hybridstaat; Polizei; Wechsel Georgia; hybrid state; police; transition |
Source: | WeltTrends - Zeitschrift für Internationale Politik, 45 (2004), S. 38 - 48 |
Organizational units: | Extern / WeltTrends e.V. Potsdam |
Dewey Decimal Classification: | 3 Sozialwissenschaften / 32 Politikwissenschaft / 320 Politikwissenschaft |
Collections: | Universität Potsdam / Zeitschriften / WeltTrends : Zeitschrift für internationale Politik, ISSN 0944-8101 / Von Dynastien und Demokratien 45 (2004) |
Licence (German): | ![]() |
Notes extern: | In Printform erschienen bei WeltTrends e.V.: Von Dynastien und Demokratien. - Potsdam : Welt-Trends, 2004. - 190 S. - (Welttrends; 12.2004, 45) ISSN 0944-8101 ISBN 3-937786-21-X --> bestellen |